Enjoy these videos and podcast appearances.
RILA and McGill University have invited universities from around the world to join the 2019 Global Retail Challenge. Each participating university will develop 1-2 student teams under the guidance of a relevant faculty advisor. These teams will be charged with finding solutions to accelerate young consumers’ participation in scalable circular economies for retail and consumer products.
The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and McGill University's Bensadoun School of Retail Management have invited universities from around the world to join the 2019 Global Retail Challenge. Each participating university will develop 1-2 student teams under the guidance of a relevant faculty advisor.
These teams will be charged with finding solutions to accelerate young consumers’ participation in scalable circular economies for retail and consumer products.
Design Thinking in the Workplace
Design thinking brings an opportunity to manage differences and work across those departments so that we can do work together.
Branding to Design & Teaching Design Teams
Karen joins the Fluid Hive podcast to discuss her path from brand management at Procter & Gamble into design thinking.
Design Thinking 101
Karen joins Fluid Hive’s Design Thinking 101 podcast to explore why her book exists and what it will help you do.
Be Customer Led
Karen gets into the specifics of her book like why she wrote it, critical components of the book, plus tools and capabilities she offers within the book to assess Design Thinking acumen.
NavalX ConnecX: Design Thinking
Karen discusses problem-solving tools like experimentation, hypothesis, and the power of “yes and...”
Leadership and Discovery
Karen shares some insightful stories from her impactful year at P&G, working with Folgers brand, and how she's helped some of the most prestigious Fortune 500 brands achieve innovation through design thinking.
Unlocking the Innovator Within Each of Us
Innovation is still a mysterious concept to most. Often understood to be a magical moment of “eureka”, the process of innovating is actually slow, messy, and fraught with emotional landmines.
5 things to make work better
Karen was invited to the Books that Work podcast to discuss her book Experiencing Design: The Innovator’s Journey
What it takes to do design well
In this episode of the Agency Spark Podcast, Karen discusses what it takes to do design well.
Experiencing Design
A discussion about some of the stickier sides of building a business, mentorship, leadership, and the life of an entrepreneur.
Karen’s Telcom Bubble Burst — How Did She Diversify?
Karen shares her “favorite mistake” story about having all of her professional eggs in the telecom industry basket.
The Innovator’s Journey to Thought Leadership
An interview with Karen Hold about her experience going from a consumer goods company to being a thought leader and author.
How to Use Design Thinking to Optimize Customer Experience
Learn how companies improve customer experience (CX) and sales with design thinking. Featuring Karen Hold, founder and CEO of Experience Labs.
Creating an Innovative Culture
Creating an innovative culture for most organizations is critical to long-term survival, however, it is not an easy thing to do.